Thursday, May 19, 2016


Starfish Prime over Honolulu

Two decades ago when Bill Clinton approved super computer exports to China. Sun Microsystems Inc. began marketing top tier "military" technology to China. Sun, parallel and distributed processing, computers were covertly sold to China with consensus of Clinton administration officials (1997). These critical Chinese acquisitions were transferred to their nuclear weapon development facilities.

As Americans continued, their mandated purchase of virtually every tangible 2007 good from China, a significant portion of the gross profit was diverted to China's military proclivities including a series of anti-satellite missile tests intent on developing capability to neutralize space-based hardware. More recently, China tested ground-based anti-satellite kinetic weapons and in 2013 demonstrated capability to threaten geosynchronous (GPS) satellites. Today, by laying claim to the South China Sea, China challenged U.S. dominance not only on earth, but in space as well. If war is provoked, and satellites are destroyed as they were by Starfish Prime in 1962, the consequences could be more catastrophic then a nuclear conflagration on earth, but we won't know until TVs, cell phones, PCs, the power grid and the GPS goes dead!

Public Domain,

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